Red Solstice 2: Survivors (PC Steam) Patch 2.8 (2022 October 25)

Modified on Tue, 12 Sep, 2023 at 1:01 PM


  • Added new tooltip display to MoveHQ tooltip, to display about how long in game time it will take the HQ to reach that region's destination
  • Added a new options setting for changing cursor sizes
  • Fixed a lot of skill descriptions
  • Fixed interaction wheel getting stuck visible on clients
  • Fixes for monster health and armor text. Should now always display armor if there is any
  • Marines will no longer involuntarily fire their weapons while confirming skill in manual firing mode
  • Overall UI polishing and small details
  • Added functionality to double click a widget to copy text to clipboard
  • Added a new language selection display to main menu
  • Removed large "community" text from session list
  • Removed mission waypoint arrows from the Marine. Created a new actor that will follow the marine and display mission arrows
  • Gamepad camera controls added to the main HUD


  • Network optimization
  • Monster animation optimization
  • General model optimization
  • Optimized lights in some prefabs
  • Body parts optimization
  • Improved game loading times
  • Optimized UI
  • Minimap optimization
  • Reduced hitches when saving and loading a game


  • Added new T2 sensors skill
  • Added new Adaptive Concealment skill
  • Reworked Orbital Targeting
  • Reworked artillery


  • Adaptive conceal - adds permanent visibility to recon as long as they stick near X range of team
  • T2 sensors skill added > shows legendary and normal items
  • Changed artillery skill
  • Changed orbital skill
  • Changed loot drone to have more items


  • Adjusted vehicle aiming and driving while using a gamepad
  • Cursor can no longer move outside max range
  • Directional skills (melee, buckshot) do not use cursor mod, they are now always in twinstick mode
  • Fix for interactions - Left arrow selects previous interaction instead of next
  • Fix for sliders in Options and Bestiary when using Analog Stick
  • Vehicle - Removed autorotate toggle and instead placed camera controls to allow adjusting your view
  • Vehicle - Fix for not being able to interact with vehicles after leaving them, without moving away and back to the vehicle
  • Vehicle - Fix for gamepad cursor being always visible
  • Vehicle - Fix for vehicle aiming - holding shoot no longer raises aim
  • Interactions changed on WASD and controller [Experimental, Needs testing]
    • Interactions change based on priority
    • Vault has most priority, non-pickups next and pickups lowest priority
    • If arrows are used to select an interaction that interaction is locked and won’t change until unselected or not available


  • Improved damage simulation on health component to reduce number and amount of server corrections
  • Boler - Fix for small Boler rotating in place after spawn on Mining Colony                      
  • Boler - Fix for Boler Acid bypassing player immunity                                      
  • Bolers - Bolers should ignore invisible units now and should switch targets after current target goes invisible
  • Door Hunter - Fix for Door Hunters not attacking players                                                     
  • Fluffies - Fix for range spike attack not doing any damage and applying no debuffs
  • Ghouler - Fix for Ghouler trying to respawn decomposed monsters                                            
  • Gore - Fixed an issue where Gore would stop moving and attacking when on low health
  • Gore - Fix for Gore getting stuck being invisible
  • Gore - Fix an issue with Gore teleport causing him to end up in some weird spots
  • Hatchling - Fix for hatchling not entering buildings
  • Holer - Fix for range poison attack not targeting players properly                                      
  • Hunter - Fix for hunter not having proper suppression stats in the bestiary                         
  • Hunter - Fix for hunters being stuck trying to attack incapacitated follower                
  • Hunter Queen - Removed from boss group type
  • Hunter Queen - Fix for Hunter Queen not being able to attack
  • Ker / Sandworm - Adjusted damage so that they don’t destroy vehicles with 1 hit          
  • Mastermind and Babymastermind - Fix for wrong body parts being spawned after death
  • Ripjaw - Fixed an issue where poison icon was constantly displayed under the mesh                     
  • Ripjaw - Fix for Ripjaw not chasing and attacking players correctly                                  
  • Ripjaw - Fix for Ripjaw attacking even to there are no players around him                    
  • Sargon - Fix for range poison attack not targeting players properly
  • STROL Marine - Fix for Monster STROL Marine not being able to vault over barricade
  • Zombie Fat - fix for zombie Ground Pound attack
  • Zombie Fat - fix for zombie fat being able to knock down immune marines
  • Fix for monsters not attacking Sentry Turrets                                                 
  • Fix for Fluffy, Thanatos and Specimen not attacking players when they use their skill while low HP           
  • Fix for monsters with negative destructive resistance gain resistance on debuffs for that resistance
  • Fix for monsters with negative kinetic resistance gain resistance after using Designate
  • Fix for Lyganesh and Behemoth monsters being pulled by Reality Mixer skills inside of buildings
  • Fix for monster armory information not being displayed on the main monster widget
  • Fix for issues with burrowers not showing particle on some maps
  • Fix for suppression and stun being applied to dead monsters
  • Fix for monsters running into walls and getting stuck
  • Fix for issues on doors where navmesh was broken and monsters never attacked it
  • Killing STROL Substance gives global XP now


  • Added a loadout export/import functions in the armory so players can copy and paste other player builds
  • Added detailed description to some engineering items that were lacking it in campaigns
  • Added a tooltip to all interactable Turrets saying that they can be refilled
  • Added a Hatchling monsters to the player statistics list - Kills and captures
  • Added Leviathan and Mastermind into the bestiary and player stat kills and captures
  • Fix for engineering mission items UI showing wrong equipped numbers in the mission setup tab
  • Fix for skill descriptions being duplicated                    
  • Fix for dialogues not being displayed on the screen during cinematic sequences
  • Fix for campaign cinematics not finishing correctly
  • Fix for reload times and ammo size are not being colored correctly
  • Fix for debuffs ticking while using an UBAS                
  • Fix for clients not being able to see Vivian's head during certain missions
  • Fix for Infinite shell casings falling from weapons after changing graphic settings which causes lower FPS
  • Fix for blank lines in monsters wave profile                                                         
  • Fix for a lot of issues with Abilities / items / guns / vehicles / interactions with controller
  • Fix for players not being able to skip Elysium tutorial cutscene while using gamepad
  • Fix for player being unable navigate on the tutorial widget with gamepad (Widget removed if gamepad is used)
  • Fix for M.E.R.C.S. campaign difficulty skulls not being symmetric
  • Fix for buff tooltips staying on the screen while hovering over it and using alt tab                      
  • Fix for Fat Zombie being able to knockdown marine with a crusader in hand
  • Fix for incorrect medal rank being displayed to other players
  • Fix for weapon colour and skin not being imported after copying another players loadout
  • Fix for players not gaining correct region deployment bonuses (deployment, will work with new campaigns only)    
  • Fix for an issue where there were two MERCS campaign on the new campaign tab
  • Fix for EVAC not working at times (any evac)
  • Fix for Demolition skill mines being placed on top of objects like flame pipes
    • Leaper, seismic, magnetic pulse, directional charge, cryo, shrapnel, chain explosives
  • Fix for recon getting adaptive concealment invisibility from friendly A.I. (test with Defcon alpha)
  • Fix for alt fire weapon mods mouseover in armory showing gar stats
  • Fix for M.E.R.C.S. skin head was appearing on the side of default recon skin.
  • Fix for client players getting no reward for completing tasks
  • Fix for secondary weapons having broken models in the weapon workbench tab
  • Fix for weapon mods and skills having an executor class displayed while hovering over them
  • Fix for weapon mods character bonus stacking issues after equipping 2 same mods and unequipping one of them, on both weapons
  • Fix for stats calculation that can show capacitors to have 0 energy after equipping and unequipping them
  • Fix for equipping Mods with the same name result in subsequent penalties not being applied (Related to the two above)
  • Fix for mission setup for client’s desyncs making clients unable to see the wave profile, map and other parameters
  • Fix for players being able to aim lock on dead target when the monster was targeted at the moment of death
  • Fix for client desync - where he appears as if he is firing his weapon. Happens after switching between two-barrel targets
  • Fix for client desync - where player appears as if he is holding secondary weapon after leaving UBAS, instead of primary
  • Fix for the supply box that would flatten vehicles if a player is able to park their car under the location of the drop zone
  • Fix for reloading Reaper Turret - where it did not adjust remaining primary mags properly (Client)
  • Fix for hotbar skills being re-ordered randomly after deploying to a match and/or rehosting a session
  • Fix for saving and loading a loadout build where a non-proper loadout would be loaded, after load
  • Fix for UBAS not being able to shoot after someone rams it with a vehicle
  • Fix for enemy marines being unable to run towards at a player that is in a vehicle. They would shoot but won’t go towards it
  • Fix for enemy UBAS not going towards players after spawn, instead they were wandering around the map
  • Fix for Iron Hawk Enemy Marines not firing on STROL
  • Fix for strategy layer where traveling to a mission and ignoring it will result in time being accelerated
  • Fix for players not being able to switch between interactable actors in WASD mode
  • Fix for loadout menu, when a player selects a vehicle and changes combat suits after that, vehicle will not spawn on map
  • Fix for various taunt issues
  • Fix for UBAS being difficult to aim with while in RTS mode
  • Fix for UBAS not being able to step over barricades
  • Fix for infinite shell casings spawning and falling from weapons after changing graphic settings which causes lower FPS
  • Fix for Elysium cars flickering after changing graphic settings
  • Fix for Fire Immunity skills not overwriting existing duration
  • Fix for Stun particle effect showing up on dead bodies
  • Fix for player being unable to pick up items while in WASD mode
  • Fix for client players being unable to hear some interaction sounds like picking up items
  • Fix for players being able to shoot while using an ability
  • Fix for train wagons not getting destroyed with the locomotive
  • Fix for game starting text going under 0
  • Fix for stationary powernode where energy widget was not hidden while in FOW
  • Fix for follower mech randomly meleeing
  • Fix for biomass not being respawned correctly
  • Fix for Chemical bomb being able to damage players while they are inside of a vehicle
  • Fix for M.E.R.C.S. HQ not granting initial region's colony bonus
  • Fix for coercing ability target location into max range while the character is rooted
  • Fix for WASD camera lerp, will no longer be always at maximum, interpolation should always correspond to the mouse distance on the screen
  • Fix for players not being able to use MERC skin after purchase
  • Fix for campaign save not applying the loadout you had at the time of saving when loaded
  • Fix for hero ammo counter not updating correctly when reloading a turret
  • Fix for some engineering buffs not being displayed correctly
  • Fix for interaction item pickup sounds between server and client
  • Fix for interaction target not clearing properly from hero controller in certain cases.
  • Reduced destructible vehicle hitbox size
  • Removed Hunter Queen from fixed waves
  • Removed unnecessary empty spaces in Medals widget    


  • Antivenom - Fix for antivenom not removing Boler Acid
  • Artillery - Added missing armor shred description
  • Breach Shotgun System - Added range increase description to the item tooltip                  
  • Explosive Turret - Fix for name now showing when hovering over the pickup item
  • Explosive Turret - Fix for popup tooltip not opening correctly
  • Nyx System - Fix for damage not being displayed when blast hits enemy units                    
  • HASTAC - Fix for HASTAC being unable to target biomass centre
  • Repair Station - Increased the size of the repair area                                               
  • Repair Station - Descriptions on pickup actor and inventory widget should match now
  • Revive stick - Should be easier to place now
  • Savage Burners - Fix for Savage Burners displaying incorrect buff information                     
  • Seismic Thumper - Added missing suppression description
  • Smoke Artillery - Fix for skill not slowing down enemy units
  • STROL Lure - Added missing duration description
  • Fix for Vehicle Batteries item spawn on the map no matter if there is a vehicle present or not
  • Fix for Leaper Mine, Emergency Evac and GED Elipda tooltip descriptions                          
  • Fix for mission items being able to be destroyed


  • Added an energy bar above the vehicle
  • Added simultaneous interaction mode used by vehicles where each instigator can complete interaction separately
  • Adjusted vehicle interactions - Interaction with vehicles will now abort if the vehicle drives out of range
  • Fix for vehicles moving in a specific direction even though they have no energy                         
  • Fix for players not being able to enter the vehicle right after ejecting from it while using controller
  • Fix for where exiting a vehicle would reset skill cooldowns          
  • Fix for upon leaving / re-entering the vehicle or changing seats the players get massive cooldowns
  • Fix for vehicle pilots names not being displayed for hot joined players
  • Fix for vehicle's not having artillery turret visual appearance on the tank
  • Fix for players being unable to deploy with a vehicle on levels where players spawns in VLAK
  • Fix for tank turret not being attached to the tank for client players
  • Fix for Breaker Turret description that said it fires 2 projectiles that trigger 2 AoE effects but, you only trigger 1 AoE
  • Fix for vehicle's having less energy consumption while driving in reverse. Should be the same as going forwards now  
  • Fix for vehicle's local file being edited to get conflicting mods and read normally.
  • Fix for Hot joined clients not rendering existing players who were inside vehicles at time of join.
  • Fix for skirmish menu if you select vehicle in loadout and click host, vehicle setup disappears, and slot is empty
  • Fix for vehicles not recovering to the edge after destroying a bridge that they are on instead of pushing them up into the air instead
  • Fix for an issue where ramming into the extraction bridges would explode the vehicle
  • Fix for client player that were able to interact with any vehicle from a long-distance during gameplay
  • Fix for multiple players trying to enter a vehicle that would cause anomalous behaviour, fix for regular entering
  • Adjusted aiming and driving while using a gamepad
  • Fix for missing brake control option


  • Agility Exhaust - Fix for skill not giving proper movement speed % on max stacks
  • Ammo Generator - Fix for skill description
  • Ammo Link + Ammo Saver - Fix for skill combination giving semi-infinite ammo.
  • Ammo Link - Fix for player being able to generate infinite ammo while deleveling the skill
  • Apportation - Fix for where skill would take players health after selecting a monster, instead of after teleporting
  • Artillery - Fixed artillery damage description and armor shred description             
  • Assault Banner - Fix for skill only giving buff to the instigator instead of every player in skill radius
  • Assault Drones - Fix for skill description
  • Battle Drone - Fix for skill tooltip
  • Bilocation - Fix for skill dealing wrong type of damage. Should deal energy damage now
  • Buckshot - Aiming with the controller should be easier now
  • Buckshot - Fix where marine would rotate after using the skill as a client causing it to be inaccurate     
  • Buckshot - Fix for Buckshot range
  • Bond - Updated skill description. It now shows resistance info
  • Charged Bash - Fix for skill not stunning suppressed enemy units
  • Cohesion - Fix for cohesion skill duration                  
  • Communications - Fix for clients not seeing circles under enemies when skill is active unless that enemy is shot by someone
  • Conceal - Fix for players being concealed after entering a vehicle
  • Conceal - Fix for conceal skill not working at times
  • Consumption - Fix for automatically switching to secondary aim mode after using all secondary ammo with the skill
  • Decoy - Fix for skill not applying correct amount of resistance reduction
  • Designate - Fix for skill tooltip
  • Directional Charge - Will now display damage numbers
  • Disarm - fix for skill not being able to disarm mines placed by vehicles
  • Dropship - Fix for players being unable to move dropship to a new location after entering Dropship using WASD Controls
  • Ensnare - Fix for skill not ensnaring enemy units
  • Flame Burst - Fix for skill not matching its range cone
  • Flare gun - Added missing taunt description
  • Flare - Fix for not being able to target biomass centre
  • Forcewall - Added missing description
  • Gunship - Fix for gunship targeting issue
  • Gunship Drone - Fixed visuals
  • Harpoon Trap - Adjusted grab range so it matches its description
  • Harpoon (System skill) - Fix where harpoon skill would only deal damage and not pull enemies                
  • Heal Drone – Cleansing aliments fix (every 10 seconds instead of 15)
  • Hellfire Clinch - Fix for clinch duration
  • Hellfire Clinch - Fix for not taunting monsters properly                
  • Hellfire Guardian - Fix for skill not showing resilience in the description and max stacks description                
  • Hellfire Guardian - Fix for not taunting monsters properly
  • Hellfire Harpoon - Fix for where monsters would stop moving when a player uses Hellfire Harpoon and Thrusters
  • Hellfire Harpoon- Fix for harpoon duration and skill description
  • Hellfire Thruster - Fix for not taunting monsters properly
  • Hellfire Thruster - Added missing armor shred description
  • Kinetic Spear - Fix for visual indicator staying on screen after explosion
  • Kinetic Spear - Fix for missing description while hovering over the spear after placing it on the ground
  • Magnetic Pulse Mine - Added missing description regarding activation range and radius
  • Maelstorm - Fix for Maelstorm not firing correct numbers of lightning strikes
  • Melee - Fix for melee skill not damaging monsters in range
  • Nanite Stick - Fix for skill spawning dead sticks that wouldn’t revive players
  • Orbital Autocannon - Added missing description regarding firing radius
  • Orbital Autocannon - Added missing description regarding sight radius
  • Orbital Targeting - Added missing description regarding sight radius
  • Personal Flare - Added missing description regarding sight radius                                
  • Phase Reaper - Removed movement speed cap
  • Plasma Discharge - Fix for plasma discharge not shredding armor on levels 3-5
  • Pull and Throw - Added missing description
  • Pulse - Fix for skill tooltip description
  • Rapid Fire - Fix for skill not refilling ammo while shooting enemy marines
  • Revive stick - Revive stick should be easier to place now
  • Rapid Response - Fix for skill not giving the correct suppression debuff duration
  • Rapid Response - Fix for where skill didn’t increase turret damage
  • Repair - Fix for skill description
  • Repeller - Fix for "no build" area not displaying properly
  • Road Flare - Added skill description regarding sight radius
  • Safeguard - Fix for skill not granting any RPM at any level
  • Scan Area - Added missing description regarding skill duration
  • Scan Area - Fixed the range of the skill to match the description                                                       
  • Seeker Mines - Fix for skill not applying full debuff stacks on hit
  • Sentry Turret - Fix for firing particle not being in correct place
  • Sentry Turret - Fix for turret not being attacked after being placed
  • Sentry Turret - Fix for Flame Turret not showing damage to owning player or counting towards owning player's damage stats
  • Shocktroopers - Fix for Shocktrooper not spawning while using the skill inside of VLAK
  • Shocktroopers - Added missing description
  • Shoulder Turret - Fix for shoulder turret losing RMB while marine is moving left and right
  • Smokewall - Fix for smokewall not applying suppression
  • Spike Strip - Updated tooltip description to make it more clear
  • Stalker - Fix for skill stealth timer description
  • Team Thrusters - Fix for player being unable to use team thrusters while target landing area is near an ally or monster
  • Tissue Scanner - Fix for buff not applying stacks correctly
  • Tracker Pulsar - Fix for pulsar not designating targets for the first 5 seconds after activation
  • T2 Sensors - Fix for AoE indicators persisting if the skill is used multiple times
  • T2 Sensors - Fix for T2 not revealing any items in FOW
  • T2 Sensors - Fix for skill not unburrowing burrowed monsters and not giving them debuff while they are burrowed
  • UBAS - Fix for UBAS infinite energy regeneration after instantly destroying the charger
  • UBAS - Fix for players being able to move while entering UBAS
  • UBAS - Fix for skill description
  • UBAS - Fix for client players being able to hit themselves after leaving UBAS
  • Wall Breaker - Fixed tooltip description


  • All levels - Fix for building windows being rendered as closed but are open
  • All levels - Fix for window mesh not removed after destruction                                               
  • All levels - Fix for Red Storms not properly syncing with clients
  • All levels - Added Missing Power Relay top of lot_square_mining_administration
  • All levels - Resolved a lot of issue with door terminals on multiple levels
  • All levels - PF_lot_central_paradise fixed a spot that could be abused by fortify and rebuild skill
  • All levels - Fix for Firebase prefab not providing the adaptive system buff when you are inside the building
  • All levels - Fix for PF_lot_central_firebase where sometimes a vehicle would spawn underneath it
  • All levels - Fix for bridges being partly transparent if got infected by biomass
  • All levels - PF_lot_square_whale_biomass, PF_lot_square_whale_biomass_02 fix for navmesh being under the pref.
  • All levels - Fixed various map border issues
  • All levels - Fix for roof collision on warehouse and shield generator prefabs
  • All levels - Fix for tree collision
  • All levels - Fix for Colony Door not updating animation when needed
  • All levels - Adjusted lights on almost all prefabs
  • Arcadio - Fix for various texture bugs
  • Big City - Fix for invalid navigation mesh patches on the roads around central prefab and various texture bugs
  • Big City - Fix for mission blocker where convoy took a wrong path
  • Big city - Fix for Howell marines not being on the correct team by adding correct team ID number
  • Broken Oath - Fix for player being able to place 'Safety zone' inside a particular building
  • Commercial sector - Fix for various texture bugs
  • Campaign levels - Fix for players spawning in a wrong location, caused by deploying with vehicles
  • Facility - Fix for UBAS actors being unusable (Probably spawned by mission)
  • Facility - Fix for enemy UBAS being unable to open doors resulting them in being stuck
  • Facility - Fix for various texture bugs
  • Facility - Fixed various door terminals that weren’t opening doors
  • Mining Colony - Fix for various texture bugs and invisible walls
  • New War - Fix for invisible walls
  • Night shift - Fix for some textures being wrong , fixed invisible walls                                      
  • Shadow War - Fix for friendly UBAS being unable to shoot at enemy
  • Shattered Home - Fix for various texture bugs and invisible walls
  • Snow Colony - Fix for various texture bugs
  • Wasteland - Fix for monster not attacking the blast doors on some locations
  • Underground maps - Fix for lots of loot spawning at the evac zones


  • Air supply - Monsters should not ignore friendly dropship mission actor anymore
  • Ascending Chaos - Fixed an issue with sniper fire marker being the wrong colour
  • Big Sister Is Watching You - Fix for enemy targets running around the map instead towards the player
  • Brighter Horizon - Fix for monster Hunter being stuck during the mission
  • Crimson Storm III - Added a description to SUI mission actor
  • Crimson storm III - Fix for light posts being underground, fix for some wall textures being wrong
  • Darkening skies - Fix for mission failing if a player has reduced the number of vehicles to 0 prior to deployment
  • Defcon alpha - Fix for safety beacon objective not spawning at Hell on Mars objective
  • Echoes of fear - Fix for cutscenes bugging out on client player screen
  • Echoes of fear - Various fixes for Saffron visible under the level and bots shooting actors during cutscenes                
  • Echoes of fear - Various minor mission adjustments
  • Future Planning - Fix for biomass being spawned under the floor on Industrial level
  • Gathering Storm - Fix for bots being able to destroy the beacon mission actor during building
  • Gathering Storm\Standing Firm - Fix for mission description not telling players that they must group up at an objective loc.
  • Into the Breach - Various minor mission adjustments
  • Living Soil - Various minor mission adjustments
  • Mechanized Force - Mission will now increase reaper turret damage
  • Meltdown - Fix for meltdown mission spawning on wave 1                                                       
  • Minefield - Mines that are a part of mission objective should lose their mission markers after being disarmed
  • Minefield - Mines can now be disarmed by the Disarm skill                                      
  • Nest mission - Fix for nest mission spawning Holers on facility levels (added new mission Nest.Facility)
  • Police Action - Fix for the mission timer that kept counting down even when player has reached the convoy (Client)
  • Rescue Civilians - Fix for mission being able to last forever even though it failed. Various minor mission adjustments
  • The way Home - Fix for harpoon mesh and animation while capturing Mastermind
  • Traveling to Beacon - Various minor mission adjustments
  • To Infinity - Fix for Hunter queen being blocked by UBAS after spawn
  • Troubling Times - Fix for mobs not attacking mission actors most of the time
  • Under the Surface - Small mission adjustments
  • Weather report, Roaming Horde, Besieged, Repair Station can now spawn in all campaigns
  • Fix for missions with subobjectives not cleaning up their tasks properly upon completion.
  • Fix for client players being unable to switch between the objectives on hot joining a server
  • Fix for multiple missions where reach location fails timer didn’t go away properly for clients
  • Fix for incorrect objective icon is displayed. instead of Primary objective icon, secondary icon was displayed for Hot join client


  • Added gameplay tags to all weapons. Weapons and upgrades now use tags instead of weapon classes
  • Arclite - Fix for gamepad, cursor mode no longer active in primary firing mode
  • Crusader - Fix for gamepad, cursor mode no longer active in primary firing mode
  • Crusader - Fix for player not being able to attack with Crusader
  • Crusader - Fix for players being able to drop ammo after deploying with crusader (drop ammo hotkey)                
  • Grenade Launcher - Fix for under-Barrel Grenade launcher not being able to shoot grenades
  • Harpoon MK II - Fix for an exploit where monsters would stop attacking after being hit by MK II
  • Rivnik - Rivnik's buff should now be displayed in strategy view tooltips where it shows the max stacks of 4
  • Stinger - Fix for player being able to increase DPS of the stinger by swapping fire mods
  • Fix for firing mode swap on weapons being able to get you stuck with particle effects from both firing modes.
  • Fix for weapons being coloured by decals while player is running over them during gameplay
  • Fix for not being able to use skills while manual aiming
  • Fix for the under-barrel flamethrower mod that did not do any damage or apply burning stacks
  • Fix for tooltips for all upgrade components in armory that were showing up as light weapons
  • Fix for autocannon and rivnik primary not benefitting from any source of RPM
  • Fix for weapons with a controller where camera is always locked on you even if the weapon has a base big range
  • Fix for weapons being able to fire faster by clicking LMB instead of holding it
  • Removed 0% stacking turn rate modifier for aiming on various weapons. No gameplay effect, just removes it from the tooltip


  • Added an interaction wheel icon above friendly bot
  • Fix for Bots not being able to pick up items while player is giving orders from UBAS
  • Fix for client players being unable to see the correct bot levels/rank until in-game
  • Fix for MM Bot having issues obeying commands and shooting targets, will ignore target while in snipe mode   
  • Fix for loading a game with friendly bot weapon mods set and saved will revert their loadout to default
  • Fix for follower bots not hiding all their components when player enters a vehicle
  • Fix for engineer bot placing Turrets and Advanced Chargers too close and/or on top of each other


  • Fix for game crash after resizing game window and equipping a support module
  • Fix for crashing 100% of the time when trying to use secondary weapons
  • Fix for crashing on loading of any saved game from Condatis campaign   
  • Fix for crashing on leaving mission in Elysium campaign "Echo Of Fear"    
  • Fix for crash that occurred on Insurgents campaign Final Dawn mission

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